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Dating Tips & Advice: Why Date Online

Dating Tips & Advice Why Online Dating?

There are any number of good reasons to try online dating. One of the major advantages that online dating has is that it offers a much greater range of potential dates. Maybe all your friends are paired off, and you don't meet a lot of other people. Maybe you work somewhere that tends towards your gender, or doesn't bring you into contact with many prospective dates. Maybe you just live in a place where you already know everyone, and you need to meet someone new. Or maybe there's just no one else 'your age around. A lot of people find that because of these factors - social group, workplace, geographical location, and age, or any combination of them - that the number of available people they meet is sharply limited. Breaking such a deadlock is a very common reason for trying out online dating.

Likewise, online dating can save you time and energy. Instead of spending endless nights at the pub, club or whatever, you can cut straight to the chase. All the people who you come in contact with through an online dating service are going to match a lot of your criteria to begin with. More importantly, they're all going to actually be available to get involved with from the beginning. You won't waste your time and effort on someone with who there's no chance of getting anywhere with. And you won't have to dress up for them or buy them drinks unless you want to.

When you consider how often we relocate our homes and our workplaces, it's possible that for some of us, a username on an online dating service might actually be more lasting - because it's not hooked to any particular physical location. Your online dating service exists independently of you and it maintains your profile and records for you - which means that you don't have to start over from zero if you lose your job or move to another address.

What about shyness?
If you're a little shy in person but more confident online, like so many people on the Internet are, online dating can help you to overcome that obstacle in meeting new people. It provides a less stressful arena in which you can break the ice and get through those first few awkward sentences until you feel comfortable talking to this person. It's easier to forget your self-consciousness and just talk to someone when you're not worrying about how your voice sounds or what you look like.

Sure, when it comes to that first real world date, you'll still be nervous - but at least you won't be trying to start a conversation with a complete stranger. And you won't have to deal with their friends or yours watching you and making you self conscious.

Or maybe your self-consciousness isn't so much based on feelings of shyness as about how you look. If you're prematurely balding, or overweight, or confined to a wheelchair, you've no doubt noticed how these things have affected your dating in the mundane world. Online dating offers you a place where personality trumps looks (for the most part) and concentrates on what's really important. The person inside.

You could even be one of those people who feels disempowered by life in general, its pace, its impersonal nature. By taking the time to craft a good profile and to meet people, you're also spending time on yourself. You're taking action, instead of just letting it all roll over the top of you and never succeeding in finding a date online - and the odds of that happening are pretty low. At least you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that you did not just sit on your backside while the events that affected your life unfolded around you. You took a stand!

Online dating is one of the most popular activities on the Internet, and its popularity is still growing today. This means that not only are your odds of finding what you're after from your date better with online dating than with any other sort, but they're going to continue to improve over time, as more and more people sign up. And these people come from all over the world, too. You might fall in love! with someone from a country on the other side of the globe. It would turn your life upside down, but then, isn't that how love is supposed to be? It's far more likely that you'll find someone surprisingly close to you who you might never have met otherwise.

The Internet is also a strangely liberating place. Somehow, the anonymity it offers actually leads to many people - maybe even most people - being more revealing about themselves than they might otherwise be. The Internet is perhaps the ultimate communication medium in existence. And all that openness and trust can be very infectious.

Indeed, the odds are that you'll surprise yourself at how revealing you are. You can get to know people in a very different way, and in some ways, more deeply and more quickly than you might in everyday life.

Another point to consider is cost. Sure, it's true that online dating is rarely free. But have you considered how much just one night out at a singles bar can cost? There's admission, transport to and from, drinks - and those are just the visible costs. There's also clothing, cleaning, hair! (and for women, add make-up to that too), hangover remedies and so on. Plus, there's a cost in time - the time you spend there is time you're not doing anything else. Not to mention the time you spend getting ready, getting there and getting back. It all adds up. Both in terms of financial costs and ' opportunity costs, online dating can be a preferable alternative. Especially if you find singles bars boring, or worse.. frustrating....

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